This is default featured post 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Rahasia di Balik Google

        Saya tengah panik dan dikejar oleh waktu di keheningan malam pada suatu hari di bulan Juni. Hari esok adalah deadline Tugas akhir Sosiolinguistic. Tidak ambil pikir panjang, saya nyalakan notebook dan tidak lupa plug-in modem saya ke port USB. Setelah tersambung dengan internet, Mulai mengetik domain halaman utama Google pun terbuka dan mulai mengetikkan 2 kata -Interferensi             Bahasa- di google search engineKurang dari setengah detik, Google menjelajah 170.000 halaman website, memilih 4.340 di antaranya yang mengandung dua kata tersebut, lalu menampilkan sepuluh hastuil pertamanya di layar monitorku. Saya klik urutan pertama yang ditampilkan Google, yaitu Dan terpampanglah disana penjelasan tentan interferensi language secara detail.
      Ini bukan hal pertama kalinya saya mendapat informasi tepat.yang akurat, kilat dan tentu saya bukan saya satu-satunya . Perlu diketahui, setiap hari Google merespon 150 juta pertanyaan dari, hampir 40% dari permintaan pencarian melalui internet dari seluruh dunia. Tapi kita tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara mesin Google bekerja untuk mendapatkan website yang kita cari. Dibawah ini merupakan proses Google bekerja mencari jawaban apa yang kita cari:
  • Dalam waktu 10 milidetik "pustakawan" mengecek cache, yaitu rangkaian 12 komputer yang berfungsi menyimpan semua halaman yang baru diakses. "pustakawan" memeriksa apakah pertanyaan tadi sudah pernah masuk. Belum, jawab cache. Pustakawan mengirimkan pertanyaan saya ke sebuah mixer.
  • 45 milidetik, mixer itu mengirim pertanyaan saya ke 50 komputer yang menyimpan miliyaran kata dalam "tumpukan jerami" Pertanyaannya adalah: "apa yang kau miliki tentang interferensi bahasa?". Salah satunya berkata, "Ini 70 halaman yang menempati urutas teratas." Lainnya berkata, "Disini ada 32." Mixer tersebut menyatukan seluruh halaman yang berjumlah 4.340 dalam daftar, dimulai dengan pada saat itu memperoleh peringkat tertinggi.
  • 85 milidetik kemudian, mixer kembali ketumpukan jerami. "Aku ingin halaman ini, dan tampilkan kata interferensi bahasa dengan huruf tebal," perintahnya. Seribu halaman pertama dikutip dan sepuluh peringkat pertama didaftar, termasuk halaman diatas dan halaman lainya.
  • 90 milidetik tampilan akhir dari halaman tersebut diperiksa lagi, dan tak sampai sedetik setelah aku mengetik pertanyaan saya, daftar tersebut sudah muncul di layar notebook.
Bagaimana dengan tugas akhir Socio saya duet dengan Google? " Alhamduliah selesai", saya bisa tidur nyenyak tanpa ada beban. Terakhir saya teringat sebuah kutipan di akhir video klip Radiohead feat Mtv Exit " some things cost more than you realise".

John Dyson (Reader Digest)

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Gosipp???? Ternyata penting

    Setiap orang pasti sering mendengar kata gosip. Mungkin saja, sebagian orang beranggapan bahwa bergosip itu hal yang menyenangkan. "Bergosip" sangat identik sekali dengan kaum wanita, Eits ... tapi jangan salah kaum pria juga senang bergosip. Tapi, bagi yang suka gosip atau bergosip jangan khawatir karena menurut Psikolog bergosip itu menyehatkan mental kita.
     Bergosip merupakan cara untuk mempertahankan status sosial dan hubungan pertemanan. Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh seorang Profesor dari Knox Collage, Frank McAndrew. Dia juga menambahkan bahwa dengan bergosip kita mengenal siapa diri kita dan bagaimana posisi kita dalam lingkungan sosial. Terdapat fakta menarik tentang bergosip, Jika objek gosip adalah seorang dengan status sosial yang lebih tinggi dari kita, biasanya kita akan lebih tertarik mendengar hal-hal negatif tentang dia. Pasti anda akan mengangguk ketika membaca hal tersebut dan anda akan berkata "Mengapa"?. Alasannya adalah informasi yang negatif mengenai orang itu dapat kita manfaatkan untuk meningkatkan status sosial kita, sekaligus menjatuhkan martabat orang itu. Tapi jika gosip itu mengenai seseorang yang kita rendahkan, kita akan mendengar dengan  cermat. Jangan-jangan orang itu lebih beruntung daripada kita
  Gosip juga bermanfaat untuk menegakan standar moral di suatu komunitas. Bila dua orang memperbicanagkan seseorang yang melakukan tindakan yang menyimpang berarti mereka talah menetapkan hal-hal yang tabu dan pantas di lingkungan mereka. Selain itu, Kate Fox menambahkan bahwa gosip tentang hal yang penting dapat membantu kita menetapkan, mendiskusikan, menyebarluaskan dan menaati peraturan tidak tertulis.
   Menurt McAndrew, kabar yang tak menyenangkan tentang diri kita, dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan intropeksi kita. "Gosip dapat menjadi alat bagi kita untuk membandingkan diri denag orang lain". Gosip juga alat untuk mentingkap sebuah kebenaran. Hal tersebut ditegaskan oleh Ronald de Sousa, seorang Filsuf, dengan bergosip kita saling bertukar kebenaran yang kalau tidak di bicarakan tidak akan pernah terungkap selamanya. Gosip memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas bagaimana kehidupan manusia sesungguhnya.

Reader Digest

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Mertua, Saya dan Kamu

    Bagi teman-teman yang sudah menikah tentu akan berhubungan dengan namanya "ibu mertua". apabila saya mengajukan pertanyaan ini " Bagaimana pandangan kamu terhadap ibu mertua kamu?, pasti menghasilkan beberapa jawaban berbeda. Mungkin akan ada yang menjawab," Wah, ibu mertua saya baik sekali" atau mungkin juga menjawab, " No, Coment" jawaban yang kedua pasti ada dapat menafsirkan sendiri.
   Dalam kesempatan ini saya akan membicarakan pandangan-pandangan menantu terhadap para mertua yag diambil dari berbagai sumber. Dimulai dari Widayati, 43 tahun, Dosen Universitas Indonesia. Dia mengatakan, "Saya berusaha adil kepada kedua orang tua, baik yang baru (mertua) maupun yang sejak lahir yang saya sudah kenal. Adil tentu tidak memberi hadiah yang sama kedudukannyah".
   Contoh diatas merupakan pandangan seorang menantu wanita terhadap mertuanya. Menurut seorang pakar psikologi Dr.joyce Brothers dari New York, mengatakan bahwa hubungan baik dan mertua seharusnya menjadi prioritas awal begitu kita menikah. "Saat Anda menikah, otomatis akan terjalin ikatan keluarga dengan mertua. Mau tak mau keluarga pasanagan anda menjadi lingkungan baru yang anda harus terima," imbuhNya.

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

Sopan-Santun Di berbagai Dunia

Tingkah laku yang kita anggap sopan menurut kita, belum tentu di belahan bumi lain.Globalisasi semakin menambah rumit masalah sopan santun. Dinegara asal anda boleh menjadi panutan, tapi jangan harap dibelahan dunia lain anda seperti dinegara asal.
Saat bepergian ke luar negeri, tentu kita tak mungikn mengenal adat istiadat suatu tempat dalam 1-2 hari saja. Kenyataanya, tuan ramah pun tak berharap demikian. Yang terpenting adalah menunjukan bahwa anda memiliki sikap sopan santun yang tepat.

1. Portugal 

Orang Portugal terkenal dengan gila sepak bola. Jika anda penggemar atau setidaknya pernah mendengar Figo, Nani atau Ronaldo, maka orang Portugal akan merasa cocok dengan anda. Jangan lupa memuji kelezatan makanan gaya Medeterania mereka. Tapi hati-hati di jalan, sebab lalu lintas di Portugal dikenal sebagai yang paling berbahaya di dunia.

2. Turki

Orang Turki ramah-ramah, jadi jangan kaget apabila ditanya soal silsilah keluarga, padahal anda belum lama berkenalan. Saat diundang makan, cicipi semua makanan yang tersaji. Apabila dalam sebuah jamuan makan seseorang meninggalkan meja makan, maka orang lain akan berhenti makan sampai orang tersebut kembali.
   Tawar-menawar harga hanya dilakukan di pasar atau pedagang kaki lami, jangan coba-coba di supermarket. Ucapakan " Merhaba" untuk memberi salam

3. Amerika Serikat

Dinegara ini, tidak mudah menerka tingkat keakraban dalam bergaul. Orang dengan mudah menyapa Anda dengan nama depan anda, bertanya mengenai negara asal dan tempat tinggal Anda  sambil bilang "see you later". Tapi jangan terlalu dipikirkan. Memulai pembicaraan bisnis adalah seni tersindiri. Awali dengan obrolan seputar olahraga -bangsa amerika gandrung olahraga- sebelum perlahan membicarakan sesuatu yang penting
    Anda seorang perokok? Siap-siap terusir dan terpaksa merokok di area khusus. Meski orang Amerika gemar minum alkohol, minum minuman keras di larang di jalan-jaln umum. kaum wanita sebaiknya mencukur bulu ketiak dan kaki. Kebersihan dan kerapian berpakaian adalah hal utama di negara ini. Usahakan madi sebelum bepergian.

4. Jepang

Orang Jepang punya cara unik untuk mengucapkan salam yaitu dengan membungkuk. Perhatikan sudut bungkuk anda. Membungkuk sedalam 45 derajat cukup dianggap sopan.Orang asing biasanya diberi salama dengan jabat tangan. Di Jepang, lantai bukan hanya tempa berjalan, tapi juga tempat duduk dan tidur. Jadi lepaskan sepatu anda sebelum memasuki kediaman seseorang. Apabila seseorang bersin,Orang jepang akan memalingkan muka dan pura-pura tidak melihatnya. 
      Budaya Jepang sangat menghormati rang yang lebih tua. Pimpinan perusahaan biasanya yang lebih tua dan hal biasa untuk mereka untuk mereka tidur dikala rapat. Asal tahu saja, tertidur selam rapat adalah simbol bahwa sang direktur memberikan kepercayaan kepada anak buahnya.

To be continue.........................

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Kumpulan tugas semantic

Connotation and Denotation
Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of words. Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that might be found in a dictionary.
• Connotation is the emotional and imaginative association surrounding a word.
• Denotation is the strict dictionary meaning of a word

Connotation and denotation are not two separate things/signs. They are two aspects/ elements of a sign, and the connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings].
− Connotation represents the various social overtones, cultural implications, or emotional
meanings associated with a sign.
− Denotation represents the explicit or referential meaning of a sign. Denotation
refers to the literal meaning of a word, the ‘dictionary definition.’For example, the name ‘Hollywood’ connotes such things as glitz, glamour, tinsel, celebrity, and dreams of stardom. In the same time, the name ‘Hollywood’ denotes an area of Los Angeles, worldwide known as the center of the American movie industry
Denotation vs Connotation: Common Usage
Robert Kiyosaki in The Cashflow Quadrant states, "If you want to be a leader of people, then you need to be a master of words." I say, "if you're going to be a master of words, you better choose them carefully." Understanding denotation and connotation is an important concept in choosing the correct word. Here's a list of words that show connotation and denotation differences.
• Those who are lonely and detached live in a house. Those who live with loved ones and in happiness live in a home.
• A mother and father have procreated. A mom and a dad are loving parents.
• Many wise men have made plans. Many cunning scoundrels have devised a scheme.
• Pushy salespeople are to be avoided. Aggressive salespeople make a lot of money.
• I'm sick and tired of listening to politicians, but give me a good statesman any day of the week and we'll get things done.

Paraphrase is the expression of the meaning of a word, phrase or sentence using other words, phrases or sentences which have (almost) the same meaning (cf. Richards et al.,1992). Paraphrase involves a relation of semantic equivalence between syntactically different phrases or sentences (cf. Quirk et al., 1985. E.g.,
• John wrote a letter to Mary. A dog bit John.
• John wrote Mary a letter. John was bitten by a dog.
Like synonymy, paraphrase is never perfect; there are always differences in emphasis or focus. There are two kinds of paraphrase:
1. Lexical paraphrase. It is the use of a semantically equivalent term in place of another in a given context. This is also known as synonymy. E.g.,
John is happy. = John is cheerful.
to rejuvenate = to make someone or something appear or feel younger.
2. Structural paraphrase. It is the use of a phrase or sentence in place of another phrase or sentence semantically equivalent to it, although they have different syntactic
structure. E.g.,
John showed the pictures to me. John showed me the pictures.
Two sentences in which the truth of the first implies the truth of the second, but the truth of the second does not necessarily imply the truth of the first,
Entailment is basically a semantic relation (or logical implication). If sentence A entails sentence B, it must observe that, in terms of truth value, when sentence A is true, sentence B must be also true; when sentence B is false, sentence A must also be false, and that when sentence B is true, sentence A may be true or false.
The source of entailment may be lexical or syntactical. Lexical source of entailment can be shown in the example like,
(a) The anarchist assassinated the emperor.
(b) The emperor died.
The relationship of entailment between (a) and (b) derives from the lexical relationship between assassinate and die. In some sense the meaning of assassinate contains the meaning of die.
Other sources for entailment are syntactic: for example, active and passive versions of the same sentence will entail one another. Sentences below show this well:
(c) The Etruscans built this tomb.
(d) This tomb was built by Etruscans.

e.g. George killed the spider vs. The spider is dead
Two sentences such that if one is true, the second must be false, e.g. Dodo is extinct vs. A hunter has just shot a dodo

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

implementation english i Islamic school


English is important for Muslim in the world

Some obstacle to apply English in Islamic educational institution

Lack of English program

The component of teaching like teacher

The paradigm about English itself

The action for handle the problem

Essay cause and effect

Implementation English in Islamic education institution

Education in Islam is first duty of a Muslim, male or female. Knowledge of god is equated with the process of learning. It is not exception for learning language, especially English language. As we know, English is international language so that Muslims important to learn English and of course, for communicate with people around the world. But there are some obstacles to apply English in Islamic education institution such as Madrasah Aliyah.

First, Lack of English program. The process of learning English in Islamic education institution only doing in the classroom. In fact, it isn’t effective for learning English. In addition, English is one of subject which examined in National final examination. So, both teacher and the student are only cared about to graduate and to get high score rather than make English program which can improve student skill in mastery of English.

Second, the components of teaching like a teacher. Some teacher in Islamic education institutional only focused on structure and vocabulary than language skills such as listening, speaking and writing. In learning English, Language skill is important. Besides that, the recruitment of teachers isn’t selected based in English skill for example has TOEFL score minimal 500. So, it isn’t surprise when we find English teacher can’t speak English so well.

Third, the paradigm about English itself. There is some Muslim and Islamic education institutions, especially traditional boarding school have opinion that English is kafir (unbeliever) language. So they conclude that it isn’t important to learn English. That statement was revealed because some Islamic education institution is still resistant with western culture.

Today, Islamic education institution tries to change the system of the way learning English. But it isn’t fair, if we said that only happens in Islamic education institution, it’s happening too in public domain. The main point is Islamic education institution must find the breakthrough to solve these problem. It is not impossible Muslim will be able to take control in science and technology with mastery English.

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

mini reaserch syntax


Mini Research

Mochamad Dandy Pbi-B NIM : 120924077

Mini Research;
Mini Research about the Title of Book which Winning Putlizer Award


. Putlizer Award is Any of a series of annual prizes awarded by Columbia University for outstanding public service and achievement in American journalism, letters,writer and music. In this mini research I choose to analyze the title of book which winning The Putlizer Award, because I think as student who take English Major, we have to read these novel and to improve our English ability.


1. What kind of phrases that the titles of the book have?

2. What is the most used phrase on titles of the book?


A. Noun Phrase

A noun phrase is either a single noun or pronoun or a group of words containing a noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun or pronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.

A noun phrase is composed of 3 main parts: Pre-modification; Central and Post-modification. The Central part, is also called "the head", it can be one or more than one head in the noun phrase, the most common kind of head of a Noun Phrase is a Noun. The second one is pronoun, mostly a personal pronoun. Other kinds are : Indefinite Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun and Demonstrative Pronoun. When the head is a Pronoun, it is rarely (or never) preceded by any kind of modification.

1. Pre-modification

Modifiers before the noun are called pre-modifiers. There are three kind of pre-modifier; determiners (DET), adjective phrases (AP), and nouns (N).

a. Determiners (DET)

There are several kinds of determiner:

Indefinite and definite articles: a/an, the

- Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
- Quantifiers: some, any, each, every, no, etc.
- Possessives: my, your, her, his, its, our, your (plural), their
- WH-Determiners: whose, what, which
- Genitives / possessive (POSS): ‘s

b. Adjective Phrases (AP)

Adjectives (A) define attributes or characteristics. They commonly occur with nouns. Example: the huge monster. Adjective can be formed as a word level (Adjective) and phrase level (Adjective Phrase). An adjective phrase can consist of one or more than one word.

Adjective phrase can contain of adverb phrase (optional) + Adjective. Example: the amazingly (AdvP) huge(A) monster.

It also possible to modify a noun with more than one adjective, but when it happens, there appears to be some principle of ordering:

Opinion/epithet ( most important characteristics) – size – age - shape - color – origin/nationality – material –purpose

c. Nouns (N)

Nouns also serve to pre-modifiers other nouns. For example:

I bought a new computer game

2. Post-modification

Post-modification is when the modifier of verb positioned after the noun. There are two ways of post-modification: (1) Using Prepositional phrase, (2) Using relative clause.

a. Prepositional Phrase (PP)

The rule of Prepositional phrase is PP = P + (NP). Prepositional phrase functions as adverbials, indirect object, and as a post-modifier of noun in a noun phrase.

e.g. The girl calls the boy with glasses

From the example above we can see prepositional phrase “with glasses” which modify the noun “the boy” and give more description about the head noun. Then, it is clear that prepositional phrase here functions as post-modifier of noun.

b. Relative Clause

A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies the noun phrase. It positioned after noun, then it called post-modifier.

e.g. The girl who bring a book calls the boy

“Who bring a book” in the example above is a relative clause which modify noun “the girl”. If we analyze the clause, it can have its own S in the diagram.

When we combine the relative clause with its complete sentence there would be two S in the diagram. The firs called the MAIN CLAUSE (S1) “the girl calls the boy”. And the second called SUBORDINATE CLAUSE (S2)”who bring a book”. Then, the relative clause here become a subordinate clause and become a post-modifier of the noun “the girl”.

The subordinate can be drawn by a triangle on the tree diagram when it’s not in term of its individual components.





The girl who bring a book calls the boy

B. Verb Phrase

Verb phrase is a phrase which its head is verb. The constituents of verb phrase are depending on the classes of verb in that phrase. There are six classes of verb; transitive, intransitive, ditransitive, intensive, complex-transitive, prepositional.

1. Transitive: Transitive verb is a verb that needs an object or direct object (dO).

e.g. The speaker presented a new idea


2. Intransitive: Intransitive verb is a verb that doesn’t required an object and neither constituent.

e.g. He sits in the front row


3. Ditransitive: Ditransitive verb is a verb that requires two object, direct object (dO) and indirect object (iO) such told and gave.

e.g. Horton gave Gen a cake

S V iO dO

4. Intensive: Intensive Verb (sometimes also called relational verb, linking verb, or copular verb) is verb that doesn’t need object but subject complement (sC). The verbs are: be (most commonly), seem, appear, become, look and soon.

e.g. Sally is a doctor

S V sC

5. Complex-transitive: Complex-transitive Verb is verb that appears with complement that relates to the DIRECT OBJECT (not the subject). Here the complement called object complement (OC). To complete the verb phrase in this type, there are two obligatory elements, two noun phrases.

e.g. Jake thought Alice an actress

S P dO oC

6. Prepositional: Prepositional Verb is a verb that needs a prepositional in order to be complete, and it will be incomplete without it. Verb in this type are such glance, lean, and refer. The function of prepositional phrase in this case is Prepositional Object (pO).

e.g: Lucy leant on the door

S P pO

C. Verb Group

Verb groups (Vgp) is a lexical verb (single verb) that added by additional elements (auxiliaries). There are several elements that can modify lexical verb become verb group: tense, modality, aspect and voice.

1. Tense: Tense included under the category of auxiliary. Tense divided into present and past.

2. Modality: Modal auxiliaries are the used to express whether a state of affairs is likely, possible, necessary, etc. Expression is the MODAL (MOD) . Modal auxeliaries are : will, can, would, may, might, shall,should, must, ought to, etc.

3. Aspect: Aspect indicated by relationship of action or states to periods of time or duration. There are two kinds of aspect, Perfect Aspect and Progressive Aspect.

a) Perfect Aspect

Perfect Aspect (PERF) is indicated by the auxiliary verb have. This kind of auxiliary does carry tense, when in present tense, it is have or has, and in past tense, it becomes had. The form of verb after perfect auxiliary always follows its form, the verb in this form called Past Participle.

e.g. Susan has eaten bread

In another case, Modal auxiliary can also combine with the perfect, here tense cannot feature.

b) Progressive Aspect

Progressive Aspect (PROG) is indicated by the auxiliary verb be. Like perfect aspect, progressive also follows the tense, in present tense is, and in past tense was and so on. The form of verb after progressive auxiliary called Present Participle. We just need to ad –ing after verb.

e.g. Bob is eating noodle

Like perfect aspect, the progressive can also combine with modal, but also with perfect auxiliary. It is the same with perfect, each type of auxiliary can only appear once in the verb group, and the tense can’t appear when modal appear

4. Voice: there are two voices in English; Active and Passive. Active Voice is the original voice; Passive Voice is a modified structure of the active by changing the position of subject and object.


· Bob was eating the noodle (Active)

· The noodle was eaten by bob (Passive)

Passive voice (PASS) indicated by the auxiliary verb be like progressive, but here the verb be is followed by the past participle or V3 (-en form) not –ing form.

D. Coordination

Coordination is the way to join clauses which has equal importance and weight together. To link the clauses in this way we have to use the coordinator (coord), there are three coordinators: and, but, or. In coordination we can link as many clauses as possible without making any subordination, in condition those clauses are equal importance and carry equal weight too.






The old man and the sea

Ernest Hemingway


Rabit is rich

John Updike


Empire falls

Richard Russo


The tale of an american dreamer

Steven Millhauser


The keeper of the house

Shirley Ann Grau


Rabit at rest

John Updike


Journey in the dark

Martin Flavin


The bone people

Keri Hulme


The white tiger

Aravind Adiga


The road

Cormac Mccarthy


1. The Old man and The Sea




NP coord NP

det N’ DET N



The Old Man and the sea

2. Rabit is rich

S V sC



N Vgp NP



Tense N

Rabit (pres) is rich

3. Empire falls




N Vgp




Jakarta (pres) falls

4. The tale of an american dreamer




Det N’





The tale of an american dreamer

5. The Keeper of the house




Det N’



det N

The keeper of the house

6. Rabbit at rest







Rabbit at rest

7. Journey in the dark






Det N

Journey in the dark

8. The bone people




Det N’


The bone people

9. The white tiger







the white tiger

10 .The road




Det N

The road


After analyzing the data, I found that 8 from 10 titles of the book were using Noun Phrase form, and the rest 2 from 10 was using complete sentence form with Noun Phrase + Verb Phrase. Then, the most used phrase in the title of book is Noun Phrase. In addition, those Noun Phrases was using Prepositional Phrases as their post-modifier and Determiner as pre-modifier.


- Thomas, Linda. 1993. Beginning Syntax. USA: Blackwell.
- Nemo, Captain. 24 July 2008. Syntax: Chapter III: Noun Phrase.

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